Wild Turfing!


Trained and Accredited Partners with Wildflower Turf

We have recently become an accredited partner with Wildflower Turf, a specialist supplier of wildflower products in the UK. Becoming partners has unlocked a range of benefits for us including:

  • Access to extensive training to deliver successful wildflower landscapes.
  • Extensive online and offline support to promote our expertise and status.


We sent one of our landscaping teams to Wildflower Turf base in Yorkshire. They all had a great and insightful day that covered a range of topics from details about how they create the environmentally friendly products they provide through to advice and techniques on installing and caring for turfing, etc.



Our team thoroughly enjoyed their training session, and we are delighted to be accredited Wildflower partners. We look forward to delivering wildflower meadows and turfs to our clients over the coming months.

To discuss how we can use Wildflower products on your next project please do not hesitate to contact us.